Wastewater Heavy ion metals decontamination with Ion

Exchange Resins: TARNiţa closed mine pollution case




Summary of stage 1/2020-Tarnița wastewater investigation 


          In this step of the project, the Tarnița closed mining area was visited, photographed, water and soil sampling. Following the investigation of the Tarnița area, it was noticed that after the closure of the Tarnița mining operation, significant quantities of tailings dumps remained, extremely harmful for the environment (air, water, soil). It was observed that the vegetation was severely affected, the contaminated area is arid, with vegetation affected by pollution, and an unpleasant odor is strongly felt in the air.  




General characteristics of waste water sample collected from Tarnita site.

The goal of this stage was to  identification of contaminants (heavy metal ions) and determination of their concentrations (by Atomic Absorbance Spectroscopy, AAS). 



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